如何參加文化交遊團?How to join our tours?


以下是各個導賞團的行程,歡迎圑體或個人自組15至23人,填妥報名表格參加,收到表格後我們會盡快聯絡你。如有任何問題,歡迎電郵至info@culturaloutings.org 查詢。我們亦會不定時舉辦公眾導賞團,有意參與者可留意於網頁及Facebook的最新消息。

Cultural Outings offers different guided tours for participants to experience the unique cultures of Hong Kong. Below are the itineraries of our tours. 

Organisations and individuals are welcome to form groups of 15 to 23 to join our tours. Please fill in the Application Form and we will contact you shortly. For enquiries, email us at info@culturaloutings.org. We also organize public tours from time to time, so stay tuned to our Facebook page and website for the latest news!

( 1 ) 重慶大廈導賞團 ChungKing Mansions Tour


Find out about globalisation and the lives of asylum seekers in Hong Kong


* 重慶大廈簡介 

* 在大廈商場範圍內進行參觀

* 了解尋求庇護者和難民在香港的生活

Itinerary (1.5 hours):

* Introduction to Chungking Mansions

* Walking tour of Chungking Mansions

* Learn about lives of asylum seekers and refugees in Hong Kong

( 2 ) 清真寺導賞團 Kowloon Mosque Tour


Learn about Islamic world


* 伊斯蘭教及其教義簡介 

* 參觀清真寺及其祈禱室 


Itinerary (1 hour):

* A brief introduction to Islam and its teachings

* Visit the Mosque including the prayer room

Remark: Kowloon Mosque Tour and the Chungking Mansions Tour can be combined into one tour.

( 3 ) 尼泊爾小社區導賞團 Nepalese Community Tour


Find out about the Nepalese community in Jordan 

 1.5 小時的行程包括:

* 探訪尼泊爾小社區的小商戶

* 參觀尼泊爾社區的印度教寺廟

Itinerary (1.5 hours):

* Visit Nepalese shops in Jordan

* Take a tour of a Hindu temple

( 4 ) 手繪班 Henna Class


Learn about the Pakistani culture


* 巴基斯坦及Henna簡介,由巴基斯坦婦女親自教授

* 練習如何畫Henna


Itinerary (1 hour and 15 minutes):

* Introduction to Pakistani culture and henna, taught by Pakistani ladies

* Henna painting

Remarks: Nepalese Community Tour and Henna Class can be held on the same day. Please reserve 20 minutes for walking between these two locations.

( 5 ) 泰國小社區導賞團 Thai Community Tour


Get to know more about Thai culture in Kowloon City


* 遊覽九龍城泰國小社區

* 傳統泰式手工藝活動

Itinerary (2 hours):

* Walking tour of the Kowloon City Thai community

* Thai handicraft

( 6 ) 深水埗社區導賞團 Sham Shui Po Community Tour


A closer look at our community


* 參觀深水埗小店 

* 探訪低收入家庭

Itinerary (2.5 hours):

* Visit small shops

* Visit low-income residents

( 7 ) 印尼小社區導賞團 Indonesian Community Tour


Find out about the lives of Indonesian domestic workers in Hong Kong


* 欣賞印傭的音樂及舞蹈

* 參觀印尼小社區

Itinerary (1.5 hour):

* Enjoy music and dance with Indonesian friends

* Visit shops in the Indonesian community

( 8 ) 瑣羅亞斯德教禮拜堂及巴斯墳場導賞團 Zoroastrian Prayer Hall & Parsee Cemetery tour


A religion you may have never heard of


* 參觀在銅鑼灣的瑣羅亞斯德教禮拜堂

* 巴斯墳場

Itinerary (2 hours):

* Visit the Zoroastrian prayer hall in Causeway Bay

* Parsee Cemetery

( 9 ) 錫克教廟導賞團 Sikh Temple Tour


To know more about Sikh culture


* 參觀灣仔錫克教廟

* 享用由錫克教廟提供的午膳 



Itinerary (2 hours):

* Visit the Sikh Temple in Wanchai

* Lunch at the Langar (the common canteen inside the Temple)

Remark 1: Participants need to cover their heads with scarves and take off their shoes and socks before entering the prayer hall and Langar.

Remark 2: The Zoroastrian Prayer Hall, Parsee Cemetery Tour and Sikh Tour can be done on the same day.  

( 10 ) 土耳其浮水畫班 Turkish Ebru Painting Class


To know this unique art in Turkey


* 由土耳其籍老師示範教授

* 學員自行練習

Itinerary (1.5 hours):

* Taught by a Turkish teacher

* Practice Ebru painting under guidance

(11) 中環菲律賓小社區導賞團 Central Filipino Community tour


To know more about the Filipino community in Central


* 了解菲律賓家務工在香港的情況

* 參觀及了解菲律賓的小店和文化

Itinerary (2 hours):

* Learn about lives of Filippino migrant workers in Hong Kong

* Visit and learn about Filipino shops and culture

( 12 ) 從意大利美食到東正教導賞團 Italian Delicacies & Orthodox Church Tour

Learn about Italian food culture and visit Orthodox church in Hong Kong
* 由在港的意大利朋友主持試食,介紹意大利的飲食文化
* 參觀香港的東正教會
Itinerary (2.5 hours):
* Introduction of Italian food culture by Italian friend in Hong Kong 

* Visit Orthodox Church in Hong Kong

( 13 ) 多元文化工作坊及研討會 Multi-cultural workshops/ seminars


Besides guided tours, we also conduct multi-cultural training workshops and seminars for schools and NGOs.